[postgis-users] Hibernate Spatial Postgis 3D

Karel Maesen karel at geovise.com
Thu May 8 13:52:10 PDT 2008


The Hibernate Spatial version in subversion works just fine, and  
Drew's suggestion was right on the money. Calling toString() or toText 
() on a Point will only reveal its X and Y coordinate values.  To  
access the Z coordinate you need to follow Drew's suggestion.


On 08 May 2008, at 11:09, Karel Maesen wrote:
> Hi Max, Drew
> The 3D stuff hasn't been  properly tested yet. Max, I'll test your  
> code later today, and see what is going on here.
> Regards,
> Karel Maesen
> Geovise BVBA
> On 08 May 2008, at 09:25, Max wrote:
>> Hallo Drew,
>> i know, but did you tried p.getCoordinate().z, that should return the
>> expected value. This Value actually should be stored in the database
>> using the new code on the svn, but maybe i'm wrong...
>> Max
>>> Hiya Max,
>>> But the WKTReader which provides you with the Point object to  
>>> persist - does not support 3D.
>>> See the following:
>>>        String wktPoint = "POINT(12 14 15)";
>>>         WKTReader reader = new WKTReader();
>>>         try {
>>>             Point point = (Point) reader.read(wktPoint);
>>>             System.out.println(point.toString());
>>>         } catch (ParseException e) {
>>>             e.printStackTrace();
>>>         }
>>> The result will be: POINT (12 14)
>>> HTH
>>> Drew
>>> On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 3:32 PM, Max <postgis at lists.meisel.cn> wrote:
>>> Hallo Drew,
>>>>  this is right, 3D support seems to be only in the SVN-Version, its
>>>>  Version 94 in the repository, should be from march this year.
>>>>  Max
>>>>> Hiya Max,
>>>>> Which version of the library are you using? It looks like 3D  
>>>>> support is only in svn.
>>>>> Drew
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