[postgis-users] geom null

ju julien.guilloux at espaces-naturels.fr
Fri Nov 28 08:12:04 PST 2008

thanks but my table contains data for 1500 geographical place we are 
going to digitize
some will be point, other line and other polygon
so i can not make a false object and then modify it.

Chris Hermansen a écrit :
> Interesting question.  What if, instead of null, you put in a simple 
> piece of geometry that you can modify?  (a point or a line or a 
> 3-point linestring or a rectangle)?
> ju wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> i have imported a table in postgres with only data fields.
>> i add a geom field and i would like to digize object, for example 
>> with Qgis or GV sig.
>> my table record is visible in qgis or gv sig but impossible to 
>> digitize...
>> i think the trouble is not qgis or gvsig but a trouble of concept : 
>> is it possible to digitize a geom in postgis table if the record ( 
>> with geom null) allready exist ?
>> thanks for helping,
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Julien-Pierre Guilloux
Service scientifique - Géomatique
Parc National des Ecrins
Domaine de Charance
05 000 GAP
tél :
fax :
julien.guilloux at espaces-naturels.fr

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