[postgis-users] Help in query PostGIS

Chris Hermansen chris.hermansen at timberline.ca
Thu Oct 23 11:24:48 PDT 2008

Hi Regina;

What caught my eye was two phrases: "in una lingua diversa" and "per
oratori italiani".  If you were using a translator I would guess that
"another language" would have been a better choice than "a different
language".  Also, AFAIK un oratore in Italian carries the same sense as
orator does in English.  Yes orator is kind of synonomous with
speaker... but...

I like your idea of conducting PostGIS list business in another language
for a week though - as long as you pick French or Spanish... :-x

("sorry" for the increasingly off-the-topic conversation)

Obe, Regina wrote:
> Chris,
> I'm curious so how does it translate to English?  Passing Manuela's italian into google translator produced understandable but interestingly phrased English.
> I always presumed non-English users must be using some translation tool, since their statements seem interestingly phrased, but then again I guess if I had a decent understanding of another language I may say some interestingly phrased things in that language too.
> Thanks,
> Regina
> -----Original Message-----
> From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net [mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Chris Hermansen
> Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 12:56 AM
> To: PostGIS Users Discussion
> Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Help in query PostGIS
> Hey Regina;
> I *used to have* a bit of facility in Italian but my Spanish now totally 
> intereferes with this (not that it's great either, but anyway).  
> Nevertheless, I would say your translation is comprehensible if somewhat 
> interestingly phrased :-)
> I wasn't completely clear myself on what specifically Manuela was 
> chasing... her example seemed to me to be in principle closer to 
> st_perimeter()... hence me suggesting that she might have more specific 
> questions.
> Buona notte da Vancouver :-)
> Obe, Regina wrote:
>> Chris,
>>  Ho pensato che si riferisse a questa funzione 
>> http://youngcow.net/doc/oracle10g/appdev.102/b14255/sdo_util.htm#BJEIGJIE
>> Quale è il motivo per cui ho pensato ST_Boundary è stato il più 
>> vicino. Parlando in una lingua diversa e con google traduttore è 
>> divertente. Dovremmo farlo più spesso.
>> Per oratori italiani - è questa la traduzione davvero comprensibile o 
>> faccio a suonare come un idiota?
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> I thought she was referring to this function 
>> http://youngcow.net/doc/oracle10g/appdev.102/b14255/sdo_util.htm#BJEIGJIE
>> Which is why I thought ST_Boundary was the closest.  Talking in a 
>> different language and using google translator is fun.  We should do 
>> this more often.
>> To italian speakers - is this translation really understandable or do 
>> I sound like an idiot?
>> ---------------------------------------------
>> Thanks,
>> Regina
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> *From:* postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net on behalf of 
>> Chris Hermansen
>> *Sent:* Wed 10/22/2008 12:43 PM
>> *To:* PostGIS Users Discussion
>> *Subject:* Re: [postgis-users] Help in query PostGIS
>> Manuela;
>> Il analogo al MakePolygonToLine è
>> ST_perimeter(geometry)
>> In http://www.postgis.org/documentation/manual-1.3/ch06.html#id2542222
>> vederete:
>> ST_perimeter() returns the 2-dimensional perimeter of the geometry, if
>> it is a polygon or multi-polygon
>> Se avete domande specifiche, sareste benvenuto me trasmetterli.  Come
>> voi, preferisco usare lo SQL :-)
>> Manuela.Pastorelli at csi.it wrote:
>>> Qualcuno mi sa aiutare? Devo fare delle query di test, per confrontare i
>>> risultati ottenuti con Oracle piuttosto che con PostGIS.
>>> Non riesco però a trasformare da Oracle a PostGIS le query che
>>> lavorano con
>>> le SDO_UTIL, in particolare tutto quello che riguarda i vertici
>>> (GetNumVertices, ad esempio), ma anche un qualcosa di analogo al
>>> MakePolygonToLine.
>>> Lavoro prevalentemente con pgAdmin per le query in SQL; a volte uso
>>> qualche
>>> tool tipo Jump o QGis, ma preferisco avere il dettaglio del 
>> linguaggio SQL
>>> oltre ai tempi di esecuzione.
>>> Avete suggerimenti?
>>> Grazie
>>> Manuela Pastorelli
>>> CSI Piemonte - Direzione Infrastrutture - Progettazione Infrastrutture
>>> C.so Unione Sovietica 216 -  10134 Torino
>>> Tel. +39 11 316 5836 - Fax:      +39 11 316 8740
>>> Mob. +39 346 3153677
>>> e-mail: manuela.pastorelli at csi.it
>>> www.csipiemonte .it
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>> Regards,
>> Chris Hermansen         mailto:chris.hermansen at timberline.ca
>> tel+1.604.714.2878 · fax+1.604.733.0631 · mob+1.778.232.0644
>> Timberline Natural Resource Group · http://www.timberline.ca 
>> <http://www.timberline.ca/>
>> 401 · 958 West 8th Avenue  · Vancouver BC · Canada · V5Z 1E5
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Chris Hermansen         mailto:chris.hermansen at timberline.ca
tel+1.604.714.2878 · fax+1.604.733.0631 · mob+1.778.232.0644
Timberline Natural Resource Group · http://www.timberline.ca
401 · 958 West 8th Avenue  · Vancouver BC · Canada · V5Z 1E5

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