[postgis-users] Reverse X and Y coordinates?

Kevin Neufeld kneufeld at refractions.net
Fri Dec 18 19:02:53 PST 2009

What about rotating about the line y=x?

SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Affine(
  cos(pi()/2), sin(pi()/2),
  sin(pi()/2), cos(pi()/2),
   0,          0
  ('POINT(4 3)'),
  ('LINESTRING(1 2, 59 34, -9 3)'),
  ('POLYGON (( 2 13, 6 12, 4 8, 2 7, 2 13 ),
             ( 4 12, 3 10, 3 9, 4 10, 4 12 ))')
) a;
 POINT(3 4)
 LINESTRING(2 1,34 59,3 -9)
 POLYGON((13 2,12 6,8 4,7 2,13 2),(12 4,10 3,9 3,10 4,12 4))
(3 rows)

-- Kevin

Anthony McClure wrote:
> Good day,
> I have a problem that I cannot find a solution to.  I have the X and Y 
> coordinates reversed in the geometries within my database.  I need the 
> X's to become Y's and the Y's to become X's.  The geometries are all 
> polygons or multi-polygons.  Is there anything within PostGIS I can 
> execute SQL wise to do this?
> The only other thing I can think of is to write code to go through all 
> of the points and reverse them manually which obviously I am hoping to 
> avoid.
> Thanks for the help,
> Anthony
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