[postgis-users] Geomedia Dataserver for PostGIS
Budschedl Harald
Harald.Budschedl at ikt.linz.at
Tue Dec 29 02:16:32 PST 2009
Hi PostGIS ppl!
This is my first posting in this mailinglist.
I just got out of a PostgreSQL-seminar last week, learning a lot about that DB. Definitely a cool thing!
We are currently using ORACLE incl. Spatial in an Intergraph/Geomedia/Respublica environment, so I thought: "let's see what PostGIS will do for me".
Setting up PostgreSQL 8.4 and PostGIS 1.4 was easy enough. I even created my own cadastre-database, as I wanted to test the PG-DB with that data.
But how to get the data to PG?
First I tried using Geomedia, but there is no PostGIS dataserver. *hint, hint* But thank god, there is FME to save the day. Shame though, the FME-Dataserver for Geomedia is just supporting read access. To write data into a PG-DB you'll have to use the Workbench.
And so I did.
Works fine so far. Then there were only 2 "quirks" to sort out. One is already solved, but I guess I have to take some time to figure out what is wrong with the second one.
First problem:
Even though I used the same (and correct) projection (AUT-GK31-5 in FME) in all my products, the data is off to the west about 30km, when I load it in Geomedia via FME-Dataserver. The Geoworkspace-Coordsys is ok, I checked that. When I load the data into FME-Viewer, the coordinates are ok.
Solution: PostGIS saved the Data in EPSG:31258, which FME didn't understand correctly. "Save" and their austrian vendor "Axmann" were able to solve this problem very quickly.
Second problem:
Not all the attributes are shown in Geomedia, neither when I doubleclick an object to review the properties, nor when I check the featuredefinition itself. I have yet to check which attributefields are missing, but my first guess after a short check is, that there seems to be a problem with VARCHAR attributes. It's not just the data, but the whole fielddefinition is missing.
Again, when I load the data in FME-Viewer, the attributes are all there.
To find out more about the problem, I am currently trying to establish a WFS webservice on my testserver, using the UMN Mapserver on Apache. Quite a challenge for me, but I am learning ;)
Geomedia will be able to access WFS with their own dataserver and I am curious to see, if the attribute-problem prevails or is gone.
So here goes my call to all the "explorers who go boldly, where no Geomedian has gone before", and therefore have some experience with PostGIS and Geomedia:
Any hints are greatly appreciated!
Oh, yes, and if someone feels compelled to create a native PostGIS-Dataserver for Geomedia: that would be a hit!
I am not a programmer (not anymore - stopped coding in the mid-90s), but from what I heared, this should not be much of a trouble for people with C# and/or .NET experience. A developmet environment incl. documentation comes with every Geomedia licence. But as I said, I'm no expert anymore.
If there are any new developments, I'll try to keep you posted, if you are interested and my time allows it.
Freundliche Grüße
Harald Budschedl
Geodaten Management (Geo)
IKT Linz GmbH
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