[postgis-users] postgis-postgre-arcsde
Obe, Regina
robe.dnd at cityofboston.gov
Wed Jan 7 04:59:20 PST 2009
P Adj,
The GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON public.Geometry_columns TO
simply gives the designated user rights to read, add, delete, update the
geometry_columns table which is the table that holds meta data about
each geometry column in the database.
You always want SELECT rights for all users who will be reading data,
but you really don't need the
except for the users that will be creating new spatial tables, adding
geometry columns to existing tables and dropping geometry columns.
If you can GRANT on any user, then your GUI is probably doing the same
as what the above SQL script does.
I actually haven't played with ArcCatalog/ArcMap much (have that still
on my todo). The closest I got to that was helping a fellow coworker
resolve a very obscure MDAC corruption that prevented him from
connecting to City's SQL Server SDE via ArcMap and ArcCatalog and was
giving cryptic messages in ArcMap that none of the ArcMap experts around
here could figure out - (admittedly had really nothing to do with
ArcMap) - go figure.
Hope that helps,
From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of P
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 10:13 PM
To: surya
Subject: [postgis-users] postgis-postgre-arcsde
dear all,
i found an article about using postgre-postgis-arcsde on
Few days before, i found the exact same article but with additional
steps (tha above article has 5 steps, the one that i found has 7 steps)
I was just wondering what does step 6 (GRANT SELECT, INSERT...ON
public.gEOMETRY_COLUMNS TO username) actually do ? is it for enabling
SDE to load PostGIS layers (ie:loading data with PG_geometry datatype) ?
I am able to do GRANT on any user via ArcCatalog or PGAdmin without
executing that script.
thanks for any advice
Here is the article that i found (i just add the missing steps cos the
rest is exactly the same):
6. If using a database that is PostGIS enabled, additional
privileges must be granted to the user:
7. The new user account is now ready to be used in the PostgreSQL
To exit (quit) from the the PostgreSQL interactive terminal,
and press Enter.
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