[postgis-users] Shapes to PG

Mark Cave-Ayland mark.cave-ayland at siriusit.co.uk
Sun Jan 25 09:42:50 PST 2009

Neil.Young wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to import these shapes 
> http://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/media/archive/11358.zip (found at 
> http://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/enid/c01bfe3b2435fdc1eb4d7c0c84cc6355,0/Verzeichnisse/ONB-Grenzen_1gj.html) 
> into a PostgreSQL 8.3/PostGis 1.3.5 database under Windows. The scale of 
> the shapes is 1:25.000, the projection GK III. I would like to use a 
> freely available generalization tool, which runs on PG only.
> I cannot really import the full dataset, neither using shp2pgsql nor 
> psql nor pgadmin III and whatever tools are available. There is almost 
> at least one error. Either the "client_endoding" doesn't match or big 
> chunks of the data don't have a geometry value at all after the import 
> (e.g. the area of Flensburg). But I'm not very familiar with PG too. Is 
> anybody of you, using this database, able to give me a clue?
> Regards

Hi Neil,

Well, the shapefile provider should tell you what encoding they've 
supplied the data in as it's a property of the data. However, LATIN1 or 
LATIN9 are quite common choices - simply use the -W flag for shp2pgsql 
to specify the shapefile encoding and see if you get any further.



Mark Cave-Ayland
Sirius Corporation - The Open Source Experts
T: +44 870 608 0063

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