[postgis-users] why isn't st_translate working for points and polys in same dataset?

Paul Ramsey pramsey at opengeo.org
Fri Jan 30 11:07:25 PST 2009

Your constraint is an SRID constraint, and you aren't setting your
SRID when you construct your new points. Try this:

truncate stands;
insert into stands
      tmp_stands.gid as id,
      tmp_stands.strata as strata,
      tmp_stands.initage as initage,
st_translate( tmp_stands.boundary, 500000, 5900000,0) as boundary,
st_translate( ST_SRID(ST_MakePoint( tmp_stands.landx,
tmp_stands.landy), 32755), 500000, 5900000 )  as location
from tmp_stands;

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Jeff Hamann
<jeff.hamann at forestinformatics.com> wrote:
> I'm sure I must be doing something foolish, but I've hammered on this for an
> hour or so, and can't seem to get this to complete. I'm trying to translate
> a small dataset from a simple set of points and polygons:
>                           Table "public.stands"
>  Column  |   Type   |                      Modifiers
> ----------+----------+-----------------------------------------------------
>  id       | integer  | not null default nextval('stands_id_seq'::regclass)
>  strata   | integer  | not null
>  initage  | integer  |
>  boundary | geometry |
>  location | geometry |
> Indexes:
>    "stands_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
>    "stands_boundary_gist" gist (boundary)
>    "stands_location_gist" gist (location)
> Check constraints:
>    "enforce_dims_boundary" CHECK (ndims(boundary) = 2)
>    "enforce_dims_location" CHECK (ndims(location) = 2)
>    "enforce_geotype_boundary" CHECK (geometrytype(boundary) =
> 'MULTIPOLYGON'::text OR boundary IS NULL)
>    "enforce_geotype_location" CHECK (geometrytype(location) = 'POINT'::text
> OR location IS NULL)
>    "enforce_srid_boundary" CHECK (srid(boundary) = 32755)
>    "enforce_srid_location" CHECK (srid(location) = 32755)
> and when I try to populate the location field using the ST_MakePoint()
> function, I seem to always get the same result:
> delete from stands;
> insert into stands
> select
>       tmp_stands.gid as id,
>       tmp_stands.strata as strata,
>       tmp_stands.initage as initage,
> st_translate( tmp_stands.boundary, 500000, 5900000,0) as boundary,
> st_translate( ST_MakePoint( tmp_stands.landx, tmp_stands.landy), 500000,
> 5900000 )  as location
> from tmp_stands;
> ERROR:  new row for relation "stands" violates check constraint
> "enforce_srid_location"
> which I don't understand because when I remove the
> st_translate(st_makepoint()) command, the boundary translated just fine. In
> fact, I can't go back and update the locations no matter what values I use.
> If the points (which are in the middle of the polygons) violate the check
> constraints, then why do the boundaries translate just fine?
> Jeff Hamann, PhD
> Forest Informatics
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