[postgis-users] st_within maddness

Kevin Galligan kg at kagii.com
Fri Jul 24 11:30:29 PDT 2009

Oh, wow.  That source install started getting really hairy.  I built
postgis, but then needed geos.  got that installed, rebuilt postgis,
then got some library error.  After fumbling for a while, I tried the
old standby.  Restart.  Suddenly it is working.

Guess what?  The queries work now.  Thanks very much for the help.
Now to take a little break and drop down the stress levels, then back
at it!


On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 12:49 PM, Kevin Galligan<kg at kagii.com> wrote:
> A workaround would be OK, but I'm thinking 1.3.6 is a good way to go.
> Not sure the best approach on that.  Running on Ubuntu.  Postgis
> installed with the standard apt package installer.  I plan on just
> building, but I'm sure there will be all sorts of path and dependency
> issues.  Hmm.
> On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 11:10 AM, Paul Ramsey<pramsey at cleverelephant.ca> wrote:
>> Works as of PostGIS 1.4 too (result returns). So at this point you are
>> either (a) upgrading (to 1.3.6 at least, since Maxime showed that
>> worked) or (b) searching for a workaround so you don't have to
>> upgrade. Do you need (b)?
>> P.
>> On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 7:57 AM, Kevin Galligan<kg at kagii.com> wrote:
>>> I tried with a different SRID anyway, just to remove that from the mix...
>>> create table rresp.testwithin4326(id int);
>>> SELECT AddGeometryColumn ('rresp','testwithin4326','bbox',4326,'POLYGON',2);
>>> insert into rresp.testwithin4326(id, bbox) values(1,
>>> ST_SetSRID(ST_MakeBox2D(ST_Point(-71.0600, 42.3600),ST_Point(-71.0000,
>>> 42.4200)),4326));
>>> select asewkt(ST_Buffer(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-71.0600, 42.3600),4326), .5));
>>> --Just to make sure we have a row (we do)
>>> select asewkt(bbox) from rresp.testwithin4326;
>>> --Select from the circle (it returns nothing)
>>> select asewkt(bbox) from rresp.testwithin4326 where st_within(bbox,
>>> ST_Buffer(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-71.0600, 42.3600),4326), .5));
>>> --Select with a bigger box (returns the row)
>>> select asewkt(bbox) from rresp.testwithin4326 where st_within(bbox,
>>> ST_SetSRID(ST_MakeBox2D(ST_Point(-71.1600, 42.2600),ST_Point(-70.0900,
>>> 42.5200)),4326));
>>> On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 10:47 AM, Maxime van Noppen<maxime at altribe.org> wrote:
>>>> On 07/24/09 16:46, Kevin Galligan wrote:
>>>>> Might I ask where you get the definition of srid '900913'?  I know I
>>>>> had to insert that myself from something I found on the web.  I'm
>>>>> shooting in the dark here, but that's another possible variable in the
>>>>> mix.
>>>> I didn't check the SRID value but PostGIS said nothing about it :
>>>>> tmp=# create table testwithin(id int);
>>>>> tmp=# SELECT AddGeometryColumn('testwithin','bbox',900913,'POLYGON',2);
>>>>>                    addgeometrycolumn
>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>  public.testwithin.bbox SRID:900913 TYPE:POLYGON DIMS:2
>>>>> (1 row)
>>>>> tmp=# insert into testwithin(id, bbox) values(1, ST_SetSRID(ST_MakeBox2D(ST_Point(-8232000, 4980000),ST_Point(-8231900,
>>>>> 4980100)),900913));
>>>>> INSERT 0 1
>>>>> tmp=# select asewkt(bbox) from testwithin where st_within(bbox, ST_Buffer(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-8232000, 4980000),900913), 500));
>>>>>                                                    asewkt
>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>  SRID=900913;POLYGON((-8232000 4980000,-8232000 4980100,-8231900 4980100,-8231900 4980000,-8232000 4980000))
>>>>> (1 row)
>>>> AFAIK it's a vanilla PostGIS-1.3.6.
>>>> --
>>>> yabo
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>>> --
>>> --------------------
>>> Kevin Galligan
>>> www.kagii.com
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> --
> --------------------
> Kevin Galligan
> www.kagii.com

Kevin Galligan

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