[postgis-users] Insert record using SRID

Simon Greener simon at spatialdbadvisor.com
Fri May 8 01:27:03 PDT 2009


> INSERT INTO spl_points (the_geom)VALUES ( 'POINT(115.64 -33.34)');
> But this returns the following error ...
> ERROR:  new row for relation "spl_points" violates check constraint
> "enforce_srid_the_geom"

INSERT INTO spl_points (the_geom) VALUES ( ST_SetSrid(ST_PointFromText('POINT(115.64 -33.34)'),4283) );

SpatialDB Advice and Design, Solutions Architecture and Programming,
Oracle Database 10g Administrator Certified Associate; Oracle Database 10g SQL Certified Professional
Oracle Spatial, SQL Server, PostGIS, MySQL, ArcSDE, Manifold GIS, FME, Radius Topology and Studio Specialist.
39 Cliff View Drive, Allens Rivulet, 7150, Tasmania, Australia.
Website: www.spatialdbadvisor.com
  Email: simon at spatialdbadvisor.com
  Voice: +61 362 396397
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Skype: sggreener
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