[postgis-users] Announcement AGU Session Earth and Space Science Informatics IN10: Open Source Remote Sensing for Environmental Mapping and Analysis

Karl Benedict kbene at edac.unm.edu
Tue Aug 3 11:38:49 PDT 2010

Dear Colleagues, 

We are pleased to announce the following session for the Fall 2010 American Geophysical Union Meeting December 13-17: 

Session Earth and Space Science Informatics IN10: Open Source Remote Sensing for Environmental Mapping and Analysis 
(See below for session description.) 

Please consider submitting an abstract and forwarding this announcement to potentially interested colleagues. 

Thank you, and we hope to see you at AGU! 

Kind regards, 

Karl Benedict, Ph.D.                                                                	Drew Pilant, Ph.D. 
Director, Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico		EPA Research and Development         
kbene at edac.unm.edu                                                        		pilant.drew at epa.gov 
505-277-3622 x234                                                                	919-541-0648 

AGU Meeting information and online Abstact Submission: 

Please note: Abstract deadline is September 2, 2010. 

IN10 Description 
Remote sensing analysis provides views of the environment necessary for sound stewardship. There is a great need for free or low-cost, easy-to-use remote sensing software tools to help those who are not geospatial professionals make better use of image resources to enhance environmental mapping and analysis. The goal of this session is to highlight open source remote sensing tools and applications in environmental analysis. How are open source remote sensing tools being used in environmental analysis? Are remote sensing mapping algorithms incorporated in virtual earths to expand their analytical capability? How can we use Volunteered Geographic Information provided by informed citizens to validate and enhance remotely sensed information?


Karl Benedict, Ph.D.
Director, Earth Data Analysis Center
Research Assistant Professor, Geography Department
University of New Mexico

MAIL                        PARCELS
MSC 01 1110                 Bandelier West, Rm. 111
1 University of New Mexico  University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87109       Albuquerque, NM 87109

o (505) 277-3622 x234
f (505) 277-3614
m (505) 239-4115
Skype: karlbenedict
Twitter http://twitter.com/kbene

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