[postgis-users] help setting up postgis

Jan Saalbach fire at dubmosphere.de
Tue Aug 10 06:37:23 PDT 2010

thank you for your help. And yet I have another question. When I try  
to insert my 3d points into a previously created, empty column it  
seems only a 2d point is stored. Here is what I did via psql:

postgisdb=# INSERT INTO punkte (jan) VALUES (ST_makePoint(1.1,2.2,3.3));
postgisdb=# SELECT * FROM punkte;
  id |                            jan
     | 01010000809A9999999999F13F9A999999999901406666666666660A40
(1 Zeile)

postgisdb=# SELECT  
  POINT(1.1 2.2)
(1 Zeile)

In the last line only two dimensions are returned but I would have  
expected three. Any suggestions what I am doing wrong or how I can  
visualise the third one? At the moment I am learning the psql commands  
and postgis structure simultaneously, so please forgive me if I am  
missing anything simple.


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