[postgis-users] error in the installation of PostgreSQL/PostGIS

dany Mc Gill thank-you-again at hotmail.fr
Tue Aug 17 20:59:15 PDT 2010

Im tryin to install PostgreSQL/PostGIS using MinGW/Msys and i followed all the instructions mentionned in the file attached below. so i succeeded in installing PostGreSQL, Proj and Geos but when i reached the installation of PostGIS , i couldn't move on. Watch the error message shown on my window:

Administrateur at SWEET-1962F8956 ~/sources/PostGIS/postgis-1.0.0-rc6
$ configure --enable-autoconf --with-geos=/c/PostgreSQL/8.0.0 --with-proj=/c/Po
stgreSQL/8.0.0 \--with-pgsql-src=/home/Administrateur/sources/PostgreSQL/postgr
esql-8.0.0 --prefix=/c/PostgreSQL/8.0.0
Using autoconf
checking for flex... no
checking for yacc... no
configure: error: Can't find 'flex'

i uninstalled flex and bison and re-installed them once and twice but it's always the same problem.
plz can anyone help me!!! i really need ur help! it's urgent!

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