[postgis-users] PostGIS + Postgres 9.0 Hotstandby

Sridhar Reddapani sridhar.reddapani at arcs.org.au
Mon Dec 6 16:27:16 PST 2010

Hi All, 

We are using PostGIS+Postgres 9.0 combination from last two months. I am wondering how all others doing backups, We would like to implement Postgres-9 Hot standby for PostGIS, does any one find any problems doing Hot Standby? 

Please pass any suggestions/Comments 


Thanks & Regards, 
Sridhar Reddapani, 
| ARCS - Australian Research Collaboration Service | M +61 430725424  | sridhar.reddapani at arcs.org.au | www.arcs.org.au   | 
| Intersect | sridhar.reddapani at intersect.org.au |T +61 2 8079 2547 | www.intersect.org.au                              | 

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