[postgis-users] Windows installers for PostGIS 1.5.0 and PL/R

Paragon Corporation lr at pcorp.us
Mon Feb 22 18:04:13 PST 2010

The PostGIS 1.5.0 windows installer is now up on Stack Builder.

New major change to it is that it is packaged with the shp2pgsql-gui
graphical shape file loader which allows you to import shapefiles directly
from PgAdmin III and reads the connection settings of your selected database
automagically :).

For PostgreSQL 8.4 users, this should automatically enable itself as a
plugin in the PgAdmin III packaged with PostgreSQL 8.4 if you select "Yes"
to the new prompt.

If you happen to use a windows desktop (and are using PgAdmin 1.10+) , but
have your PostgreSQL installed on a separate server (Linux or Windows) or
you are running only PostGIS 1.4 or lower, you can still use the plugin
By downloading it separately from

http://www.postgis.org/download/windows/ (PostGIS Shp2PgSQL Graphical

Or alternatively just copy the postgisgui folder (from bin of a PostgreSQL
windows install) and overwrite your PgAdmin III plugins.ini with the
plugins.postgis.ini included in the PostgreSQL/.../PgAdminIII/ folder

On a slightly unrelated note:  Mike Leahy was gracious enough to package a
PL/R windows installer for 8.3 and 8.4.  Those who've been waiting for PL/R
to work again on PostgreSQL windows -- wait no longer.
For those who have been thinking of a good execuse toe start writing PL/R
stored functions, give it a try.  Its great and a  great companion for

Those unfortunately are not available on Stack Builder, but you can download
them from:


Regina and Leo

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