[postgis-users] Google Earth/PostGIS integration

Chetna Parbhoo Chetna at gcs-sa.biz
Mon Jan 11 02:40:51 PST 2010

Hi there

Thanks for your help below Pedro. As I was a beginner, I had to do quite
a bit of learning before I could understand your instructions below. I
installed an apache server. I am able to connect to a Postgres database
using PHP scripting. 

>From the first piece of code (to create the Network Link) I am able to
run the projects.php code. 

header("Content-type: application/vnd.google-earth.kml xml kml");
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="g_loc.kml"');
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Cache-Control: cache, must-revalidate");
header("Pragma: public");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; echo "<kml
echo "<Document>";
echo "<name>'A Network Link to Google Earth'</name>"; echo
"<NetworkLink>"; echo "<name>'GCS Projects'</name>"; echo
"<flyToView>1</flyToView>"; echo "<Link>"; echo
echo "completed execution of projects"; 	
echo "<refreshMode>onInterval</refreshMode>";
echo "<refreshInterval>30</refreshInterval>";
echo "</Link>";
echo "</NetworkLink>";
echo "</Document>";
echo "</kml>";

Thereafter I am able to connect to the database

// connect to  database

// start your kml document.

$response = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"; $response .=
"<kml xmlns=\"http://earth.google.com/kml/2.1\">";
$response .= "<Document>\n";

$sql="SELECT gcs_projects.project_num, astext(proj_geom) AS location
FROM gcs_projects"; $myresult = pg_exec($db_handle, $sql); echo
"executed sql";

for ($i=0; $i<=pg_numrows($myresult); $i++) {
    $my_label=pg_result($myresult, $i, 0);
    $my_location = pg_result($myresult, $i, 1);

    // extract the geometry
    $geometry = str_replace("POINT(","", pg_result($myresult, $i, 1));
    $geometry = str_replace(")","",$geometry);
    $coordinate = explode(" ",$geometry);

    // continue filling your document
    $response .= "<Placemark>";
    $response .= "<name>$my_label=i</name>";
    $response .= "<description><![CDATA[your
    $response .= "<Style>";
    $response .=     "<IconStyle>";
    $response .=        "<scale>1</scale>";
    $response .=            "<Icon>";
    $response .=                "<href>C:/water.png</href>";
    $response .=            "</Icon>";
    $response .=        "</IconStyle";
    $response .=    "<LabelStyle>";
    $response .=        "<color>ff00ffff</color>";
    $response .=        "<scale>0.9</scale>";
    $response .=    "</LabelStyle>";
    $response .= "</Style>";
    $response .= "<Point>";
    $response .=    "<coordinates>$lon,$lat,$altitude</coordinates>";
    $response .= "</Point>";
    $response .= "</Placemark>";

} // result loop

$response .= "</Document>";    // close your document
$response .= "</kml>\n";         // close your kml
echo $response;                // feed it to the network link

pg_close($db_handle);                // don't forget to close the
echo "connection closed";

The contents of the g_loc.kml is as follows: 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><kml
<name>'A Network Link to Google Earth'</name>
<NetworkLink><name>'GCS Projects'</name>
completed execution of projects

Obviously the geometries are not being written to the KML file. Am I
missing a step to write each geometry in the for loop. 

       // SELECT ST_AsKML(ST_GeomFromText('POINT($lon,$lat))',4326));

Also, at the point you are extracting the geometry, you have a variable
named $g. This is supposed to be $i. 

I am obviously missing an important step. Your help will be appreciated.


-----Original Message-----
From: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of
Pedro Doria Meunier
Sent: 16 November 2009 02:13 PM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Google Earth/PostGIS integration

Hash: SHA1

Hi Chetna,

Quick answer: yes you can! :)

Through *network link* in Google Earth.

Take the following example (in PHP, use you favourite "poison" ):

1st part - Create the network link to feed to Google Earth
header("Content-type: application/vnd.google-earth.kml xml kml");
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="g_loc.kml"');
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Cache-Control: cache, must-revalidate");
header("Pragma: public");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>";
echo "<kml xmlns=\"http://earth.google.com/kml/2.1\">";
echo "<Document>";
echo "<name>"._("My Network Link")."</name>";
echo "<NetworkLink>";
echo "<name>"._("My Description")."</name>";
echo "<flyToView>1</flyToView>";
echo "<Link>";
echo "<refreshMode>onInterval</refreshMode>";
echo "<refreshInterval>30</refreshInterval>";
echo "</Link>";
echo "</NetworkLink>";
echo "</Document>";
echo "</kml>";

2nd part - Get your data:

// connect to  database

// start your kml document.
$response = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>";
$response .="<kml xmlns=\"http://earth.google.com/kml/2.1\">";
$response .= "<Document>";

$sql="SELECT my_label, astext(my_geom_field) AS location FROM my_table";
$myresult = pg_exec($connection, $sql);

for ($i=0; $i<pg_numrows($myresult); $i++) {
    $my_label=pg_result($myresult, $i, 0);
    $my_location = pg_result($myresult, $i, 1);

    // extract the geometry
    $geometry = str_replace("POINT(","", pg_result($myresult, $g, 1));
    $geometry = str_replace(")","",$geometry);
    $coordinate = explode(" ",$geometry);

    // continue filling your document
    $response .= "<Placemark>";
    $response .= "<name>$my_label</name>";
    $response .= "<description><![CDATA[your
    $response .= "<Style>";
    $response .=     "<IconStyle>";
    $response .=        "<scale>1</scale>";
    $response .=            "<Icon>";
    $response .=                "<href>$my_site/$my_icon</href>";
    $response .=            "</Icon>";
    $response .=        "</IconStyle";
    $response .=    "<LabelStyle>";
    $response .=        "<color>ff00ffff</color>";
    $response .=        "<scale>0.9</scale>";
    $response .=    "</LabelStyle>";
    $response .= "</Style>";
    $response .= "<Point>";
    $response .=    "<coordinates>$lon,$lat,$altitude</coordinates>";
    $response .= "</Point>";
    $response .= "</Placemark>";
} // result loop

$response .= "</Document>";    // close your document
$response .= "</kml>";               // close your kml
echo $response;                            // feed it to the network

pg_close($connection);                // don't forget to close the

This is an example for POINT geometry, of course. Other types are as
easily managed as this.
Your "interface" would be Google Earth :]

You can of course have some "middleware" in a form of a php web page
that allows users to select what they want and then feed it to Google

Hope this helps,
Pedro Doria Meunier

On 11/16/2009 10:49 AM, Chetna Parbhoo wrote:
> I am currently creating a spatial database for a SME. Their project
> data is currently within folders (including all GIS data). I have
> been doing a bit of research when I came across PostgreSQL and
> PostGIS. I plan to use PostGreSQl with PostGIS as a spatial
> extender. I have installed the PostGreSQL and PostGIS as well as
> viewed data stored in the database with QGIS. I need an easy method
> whereby the employees in the company can access data from the
> database on a user friendly interface. Everyone in the company is
> familiar with Google Earth. Is there a way that I can link Google
> Earth with PostGIS to achieve this? 
> Many thanks.
> Chetna Parbhoo
> GIS specialist
> chetna at gcs-sa.biz <mailto:chetna at gcs-sa.biz>
> 63 Wessel Road Woodmead
> PO Box 2597 Rivonia 2128
> South Africa
> Tel +27(0)11 803 5726
> Fax +27(0)11 803 5745
> www.gcs-sa.biz <http://www.gcs-sa.biz/>
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