[postgis-users] st_buffer (radius_of_buffer)
ibrahim saricicek
ibrahimsaricicek at gmail.com
Tue Jan 19 00:22:52 PST 2010
Sorry for projection problem.
I mean;
st_transform(st_geomFromText('POINT(30 20)',4326),900913))
as result
from route
Now there shouldn't be *SRID problem*.. But still the result is *FALSE*. But
when i don't use buffer;
st_intersects((route.the_geom), st_transform(st_geomFromText('POINT(30
as result
from route
The result is *TRUE* !!!
So the problem is not a rounding error. If so, second query result would be
I think the result of these two queries should be the same (if
transformation rounding errors r concerned). Am i wrong ???
Thanks, all...
On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 10:56 PM, Kevin Neufeld <kneufeld at refractions.net>wrote:
> ? Sorry, I'm confused. I would think you would get a ERROR: Operation on
> two geometries with different SRIDs when running your query.
> You are taking a lat/long coordinate, transforming it to a [deprecated]
> mercator projection and storing the results in a table called route.
> Then you are asking if the mercator point, when buffered by 0, intersects a
> point in lat/long.
> If you meant to include a transform back to 4326 in the intersect query
> (ie. st_intersects(st_buffer(st_transform(route.the_geom,4326),0.0), ... ),
> you should be aware that transforming a geometry back and forth between
> projections will likely lead to rounding errors.
> ie.
> astext(g1) g1,
> astext(g2) g2,
> g1,
> g2,
> g1 ~= g2,
> st_intersects(g1, 'SRID=4326;POINT(30 20)'),
> st_intersects(g2, 'SRID=4326;POINT(30 20)')
> FROM (
> SELECT geom g1, st_transform(st_transform(geom,900913),4326) g2
> FROM (
> SELECT 'SRID=4326;multilinestring((30 20,31 21,32 22))'::geometry AS
> geom
> ) a
> ) b;
> -[ RECORD 1
> ]-+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> g1 | MULTILINESTRING((30 20,31 21,32 22))
> g2 | MULTILINESTRING((30 20,31 21,32 22))
> g1 |
> 0105000020E6100000010000000102000000030000000000000000003E4000000000000034400000000000003F40000000000000354000000000000040400000000000003640
> g2 |
> 0105000020E610000001000000010200000003000000FEFFFFFFFFFF3D40FDFFFFFFFFFF33400200000000003F400100000000003540FEFFFFFFFFFF3F40FEFFFFFFFFFF3540
> equals | f
> st_intersects | t
> st_intersects | f
> Notice how your geometry, when transform to 900913 and back to 4326 looks
> the same in text, but are in fact different in binary? The transformed
> geometry, does not intersect (30,20). It might if you buffer it by 0.1.
> Cheers,
> Kevin
> ibrahim saricicek wrote:
>> hi all;
>> I think 0.0 of radius means the object itself? Am i wrong?
>> I'm inserting a row to my route table
>> insert into route (the_geom) select
>> st_transform(ST_GeomFromText('SRID=4326;multilinestring((30 20,31 21,32
>> 22))'),900913)
>> why the result of this is false? that is a point on my route. what is
>> defined with '0.0 of radius'?
>> the result is true for 0.1 to 0.000000001? Why for 0.0000000001 radius,
>> result is false?
>> select
>> st_intersects(st_buffer(route.the_geom,0.0), st_geomFromText('POINT(30
>> 20)',4326)) as result
>> from route
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