[postgis-users] Postgis and Python

Marco Lechner - FOSSGIS e.V. marco.lechner at fossgis.de
Fri Apr 15 02:37:43 PDT 2011

hi georg,

this is no postgis-specific question. You connect from python as
connecting to any postgresql-DB. You just have a bunch of
postgis-functions available on SQl-side


P.S. if you are familiar with python you also could write new functions
in postgreSQL using plpythonu as processing language within

Am 15.04.2011 11:17, schrieb George Washington:
> Hi, I am new to postgis (1.5 under Win 7) but have read enough to feel
> hopeful that it could be just what I need. I have a very large number
> of shape files which I have loaded in my first postgis database
> generating some hundreds of tables with vector data. So far so good,
> but now I need to use it to create queries and extract information in
> batch using Python. I have seen statements by people who used Python
> to access postgis databases but I have not been able to find any coded
> examples which show :
> 1) how to connect to the database
> 2) how to perform queries on the data
> 3) how to extract the results from the queries, etc...
> (all of which can be done in Python easily with MySql )
> Can you please point me to any document which gives examples or code
> fragments to do the above.
> Many thanks,
> George
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