[postgis-users] identifying similar geometries

Charles Galpin cgalpin at lhsw.com
Thu Aug 11 08:22:31 PDT 2011

Thanks for that.  Unfortunately it is also subject to the same problem of me not knowing how the old links were split. If the old link was split into a very small piece at the start, and then one or more larger pieces following it, the larger pieces show a better match for the old link.  In general this would be a good way to get the biggest part that matches, but since I know these are replacements for the old links I'd rather match the first portion of the link.

I did some tests comparing the hausdorff distance between the first 10% of the links, and this works better, but that is also dependent on link lengths. I suppose if I calculated the actual length of the 10% and mapped that back to the appropriate/equivalent sized portion of the new link it would be more accurate, assuming 10% of the old is not bigger than the first new segment.

But this should come in handy if I take the approach of starting at the start point and keep adding links to the new link until the hausdorff distance decreases to zero to be able to tell I have the right links. Although at that point I think I can just check the end points :)


On Aug 11, 2011, at 3:16 AM, Sandro Santilli wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 05:26:06PM -0400, Charles Galpin wrote:
>> Does anyone know of a way to say "this geometry looks [a lot] like this one"?
> ST_HausdorffDistance 
> --strk;

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