[postgis-users] PostGIS to Web Map?

bac at brucecallander.com bac at brucecallander.com
Wed Aug 17 07:48:22 PDT 2011

James - My guess is that the straightforward answer is to use Geoserver or similar. Writing the software to extract data from PostGIS and turn it into a web service seems like unnecessary pain.

I have come at this from the opposite point of view. I wanted to learn more about how WMS, WFS, WCS worked and how different http request formats could be tested so installed Geoserver. But I then needed sample data in the background on which Geoserver could operate so downloaded PostGIS. Getting that up and running is turning out to be a bigger challenge than installing Geoserver.

Bruce Callander

On 16 Aug 2011, at 19:11, James David Smith wrote:

> Dear all,
> Bit of a geneal question this rather than something specific, but I've
> been following a few of the other queries on here talking about Open
> Layers, Geoserver and Google Maps, and it's reminded me that I really
> want to try and learn how to connect/convert my local PostGIS database
> into something that renders on a webpage. I realise that this is a big
> question, but wondered if anyone could give me a basic few steps as
> way of pointers - and then perhaps some links to more detail where I
> can go and learn how to do each step myself? I'm very happy to learn -
> just not sure where to start!
> To be clear, at the moment I have a local database on my machine. I
> guess really I need to move this database to an online environment and
> host it somewhere? Then I need to build some webpages with a map, that
> interact with the database? There's no specific project here, just
> something I want to learn in my spare time as it'll be useful for the
> future.
> As you can see my knowledge of how to put all this together is a bit
> vague to say the least. If it helps I have basic experience of Java +
> Javescript including the Google Maps API, am decent at HTML and CSS,
> and am becoming familiar with PostgreSQL and PostGIS - I just don't
> know how to join them all up at the moment - or where the gaps in my
> knowledge are.
> Best wishes
> James
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