[postgis-users] Summarizing the temperature values for a buffer within my tables
maduako ikechukwu
iykemadu84 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 10:30:57 PST 2011
Hi Piere,
Thanks for yesterday, right now am trying to summarize the temperature
values within a particular buffer just like you did in the tutorial using
the codes below but it seems troublesome.
could you help me please. I dont have to create tables one after the other
like you did in the tutorial becuase I dont have that priveledge , so I
have to only write a select statement to do that.
Here is my code:
SELECT I.temp_lst_id, meantemp
>From (Select sum(ST_Area(the_geom)*val)/(sum(ST_Area(the_geom))) AS
meantemp, I.temp_lst_id
>From (Select(ST_Intersection(R.rast,(ST_Transform(ST_Buffer(I.the_geom,
100), 32613)))).geom AS the_geom,
(ST_Intersection(R.rast,(ST_Transform(ST_Buffer(I.the_geom, 100),
32613)))).val AS val
FROM in_situ_lst I, lst_utm_day R
WHERE the_geom && R.rast
AND ST_Intersects(R.rast,the_geom)
AND I.temp_lst_id = 2
)) foo;
the Error in this code is "ERROR: subquery in FROM must have an alias
LINE 3: From (Select(ST_Intersection(R.rast,(ST_Transform(ST_Buffer(..."
Iyke Maduako
Masters in Geospatial Technologies
Institute for Geoinformatics,IfGI
University of Muenster Germany
Phone: +4915129048460
Alternative Email:iykefirstclass at yahoo.com
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