[postgis-users] Infinite loop in st_intersects - because of incorrect data out of st_transform?

Magnus Hagander magnus at hagander.net
Mon Feb 28 07:18:24 PST 2011


Running the following query locks up postgis completely (in

SELECT st_intersects(somegeometry,

I believe this is because there are infinite values in that geometry:

# select ST_AsText('0103000020E61000000100000005000000737979F3DDCC2CC0F92154F9E7534540000000000000F07F000000000000F07F8F806E993F7E55C0304B29FFEA8554400634E8D1DD424540B5FEE6A37FCD4540737979F3DDCC2CC0F92154F9E7534540'::geometry);

 POLYGON((-14.4001308522972 42.6555167828373,inf inf,-85.9726317957995
82.0924680617579,42.5223944076352 43.6054577711015,-14.4001308522972
(1 row)

ISTM that this should either be rejected as an invalid geometry, or at
least not hang....

Now, this geometry actually comes back as the result of st_transform,
which suggests to me that there is *also* a bug in st_transform, which
should never output an invalid geometry. It is the result of:


And that geometry is valid before it goes into st_transform, from what
I can tell:
# select st_astext('0103000020CD0B0000010000000500000099E6673CA2FC2DC1AD7BF5ED45CC534199E6673CA2FC2DC1D7BDFAF6D28960415A06E670D7E94B41D7BDFAF6D28960415A06E670D7E94B41AD7BF5ED45CC534199E6673CA2FC2DC1AD7BF5ED45CC5341'::geometry);


 POLYGON((-982609.1179802 5189911.7181081,-982609.1179802
8670871.7181081,3658670.8820198 8670871.7181081,3658670.8820198
7181081,-982609.1179802 5189911.7181081))
(1 row)

To me this looks like bugs "below" postgis - it's certainly below the
PostgreSQL level that I know well :-) Not sure if it can be worked
around/fixed at the postgis level or if it needs to be done in the
lower level libraries, but either way it shouldn't behave this way :-)

 Magnus Hagander
 Me: http://www.hagander.net/
 Work: http://www.redpill-linpro.com/

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