[postgis-users] Raster tutorial: sample data

Jorge Arévalo jorge.arevalo at deimos-space.com
Mon Jan 3 10:13:17 PST 2011

On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 7:00 PM, Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it> wrote:
> Il giorno lun, 03/01/2011 alle 16.44 +0100, Jorge Arévalo ha scritto:
>> You can do most of the tutorial with these data. The problem is with
>> the "ST_DumpAsPolygons" function. This function is applied over one
>> specific row of the raster table, created from the original files, not
>> the ones from Spain. Anyway, give it a try.
> Thanks Jorge.
> I think a step by step, PostGIS only, tutorial would be useful.

What do you mean with "PostGIS only"? You need GDAL at least for
loading raster data in PostGIS Raster. Or are you talking about Oracle
GeoRaster tutorial?

> If I can
> find suitable data, and I'll be able to solve some issues I'm having to
> load rasters in QGIS, I'll be glad of adding my notes to the tutorial.

You have a QGIS plugin for WKT Raster (old name of PostGIS Raster) at
http://pyqgis.org/repo/contributed. The plugin was created by Maurício
de Paulo. I'm not sure if the last version of the plugin is working
with the last version of GDAL PostGIS driver (release 20912,
http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/changeset/20912), but it may help you.
Further information here

I need to say the GDAL PostGIS Raster driver is one of my TODO tasks.
I'm working on it at same time I'm working on PostGIS Raster
extension. I'd like to improve it faster, but I really can't.

Best regards,

Jorge Arévalo
Internet & Mobilty Division, DEIMOS
jorge.arevalo at deimos-space.com

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