[postgis-users] PG Routing

James David Smith james.david.smith at gmail.com
Mon Jul 4 05:37:37 PDT 2011

Dear Maria,

Thank you for your reply. I already have  PostgreSQL + PostGIS database
running which contains all of my information. The data is not a live system,
it is data from March 2010. I am doing some research on the data. I have
discovere that as I am using PostgreSQL 9.0 I cannot use pgRouting
unfortunately. So I now have two questions please?

1) If I uninstall PostgreSQL 9.0, and then install PostgreSQL 8.3 (so I can
use pgRouting), will my databases still be intact? Or will I lose all of my
tables and data?

2) Maybe an easier solution would be for me to create an OS GEO bootable USB
drive, and then do the work in Ubuntu? If I did this, will my existing
PostgreSQL databases be accesible through the Ubuntu version of PostgreSQL?

Thank you for your help


On 4 July 2011 07:49, Maria Arias de Reyna <marias at emergya.es> wrote:

> El Domingo 03 Julio 2011, James David Smith escribió:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > I have a table of GPS points which are the locations of vehicles every
> > 15 seconds. Each journey that a car makes has an ID. For example a
> > taxi is on 'job 1' and has 50 points while it does this job, and then
> > another 50 or 60 when it is on 'job 2' etc. What I would like to do
> > however is investigate whether the car took the most effecient route
> > between the two points. To this end I think that I can use the
> > PGROUTING extension of PostGIS...?  Does this sound possible?
> You can calculate the shortest path with pgRouting and then compare it with
> the length of the linestring formed with this GPS points. Probably you will
> have a longer path with the GPS points (because the GPS is never exact) but
> if
> you add a percent of error to the shortest path calculated by pgRouting you
> will know if the vehicle did a good or a bad path.
> > I have
> > found the PGROUTING website, and download the ZIP file for Windows
> > installation, however I am not sure how to install it. Could somebody
> > please tell me how or provide a link to a good place to read about how
> > to install and use PGROUTING?
> Why are you using Windows (for any serious work)? There is a PPA for
> Ubuntu[1]
> which has a direct install while pgRouting binaries for Windows are old and
> strongly dependent of a postgresql version. And remember that you must
> install
> postgis first.
> Anyway, if you are thinking of having a real-time server with several
> vehicles
> sending positions every 15 seconds, forget Windows. It will be insane. If
> it
> is insane if you do it on a non-strongly-optimized database on Linux I
> don't
> want to know how hard it will be on Windows. Believe me, I have made a few
> of
> this real-time systems.
> [1]https://launchpad.net/~georepublic/+archive/pgrouting<https://launchpad.net/%7Egeorepublic/+archive/pgrouting>
> --
> María Arias de Reyna Domínguez
> Área de Operaciones
> Emergya Consultoría
> Tfno: +34 954 51 75 77 / +34 607 43 74 27
> Fax: +34 954 51 64 73
> www.emergya.es
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