[postgis-users] Shapefiles exported from PostGIS and ESRI ArcView 9 compatibility

Andreas Forø Tollefsen andreasft at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 00:57:48 PDT 2011

I am unsure about the details, but can only talk for myself. I have exported
a lot of PostGIS data to shapefiles without ever having a problem.
Both geometry and attribute table seem to be working without a hitch.


2011/7/21 Maria Arias de Reyna <marias at emergya.es>

> El Jueves 21 Julio 2011, Ben Madin escribió:
> > We have a client (potential client) who wants some mapping done and the
> > maps returned in shapefile format. In the contract they insist on
> > specifying that the shapefiles are compatible with "ESRI's ArcView
> version
> > 9" (their words, not mine).
> If ArcView has no public specification of their Shapefiles, you can always
> tell
> your potential client all the problems derivated from using a privative and
> dark format. In fact, you *should* at least mention it.
> It will save you a lot of troubles in the future. If you explain it right,
> clients usually understand it and _sometimes_ they agree to move to open
> formats.
> Anyway, you should ask your client for a couple of examples of their
> shapefiles
> and compare them with yours. Maybe the difference is small and you can
> post-
> process your generated shapefiles to adjust them.
> --
> María Arias de Reyna Domínguez
> Área de Operaciones
> Emergya Consultoría
> Tfno: +34 954 51 75 77 / +34 607 43 74 27
> Fax: +34 954 51 64 73
> www.emergya.es
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