[postgis-users] Problem with postgis raster using gdal_translate

Virginia Maffei vmaffei at gmail.com
Sun Jun 5 14:06:26 PDT 2011

Hi, I installed the postgis 2.0 so i can use the postgis raster to connect
from mapserver.

I installed gdal 1.8 and also have de gdal 1.8 in the mapserver (ms4w 3.0.2)
installation, but i cant connect with the data base i'm trying to run a
gdal_translate or gdal_info and it doesnt work. I created a new data base
having as template the one loaded with the postgis 2.0

This is the error that it shows:

C:\ms4w\tools\gdal-ogr>gdal_translate PG:"dbname=raster user=postgres
dadDeExtincion mode=2" C:\TSIG\capas\sql2\HumedadDeExtincion.tif

ERROR 1: Error browsing database for PostGIS Raster properties
GDALOpen failed - 1
Error browsing database for PostGIS Raster properties

Does any one knows what happens?
I couldn`t find any information about this error...

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