[postgis-users] Illegal Byte Sequence

Nicklas Avén nicklas.aven at jordogskog.no
Mon Mar 14 03:28:21 PDT 2011

Hallo Andreas

May I guess you are running the trunk version.

I think it is related to tichet #808


One workaround is described in the ticket by creating the .sql file
without any encoding parameters and then change the first row of the sql
file to 
before running it in psql

Another workaround is using an older skp2pgsql to create the sql-file.
PostGIS will load it in PostGIS 2 format anyway.



On Mon, 2011-03-14 at 11:11 +0100, Andreas Forø Tollefsen wrote:
> The error:
> Importing shapefile (1267 records)...
> Unable to convert data value to UTF-8 (iconv reports "Illegal byte
> sequence"). Current encoding is "UTF-8". Try "LATIN1" (Western
> European), or one of the values described at
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/multibyte.html.
> Shapefile import failed.
> 2011/3/14 Andreas Forø Tollefsen <andreasft at gmail.com>
>         Hi,
>         I am trying to import this shapefile into a database on my new
>         server: 
>         http://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/povmap/downloads/ds_global/imr_shapefile.zip
>         While this was no problem on my old server running Windows
>         Vista, i now have problems on my Ubuntu Server.
>         My last server had the LC_COLLATE AND LC_CTYPE blank, while
>         the new Linux has en_US.UTF-8 which seems to create the
>         problems.
>         I tried creating a new database on the new server with blank
>         COLLATE and CTYPE, but it would not accept blank.
>         Any ideas?
>         Thanks,
>         Andreas
>         The old database had the following settings on Enconding:
>         CREATE DATABASE newpg
>           WITH OWNER = -----
>                ENCODING = 'UTF8'
>                TABLESPACE = pg_default
>                LC_COLLATE = ''
>                LC_CTYPE = ''
>                CONNECTION LIMIT = -1;
>         The database on the new server has the following:
>         CREATE DATABASE priogrid
>           WITH OWNER = -----
>                ENCODING = 'UTF8'
>                TABLESPACE = pg_default
>                LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.UTF-8'
>                LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.UTF-8'
>                CONNECTION LIMIT = -1;
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