[postgis-users] spatial query (ST_Intersects)

Birgit Laggner birgit.laggner at vti.bund.de
Tue May 3 05:25:20 PDT 2011

Hi Shreyes,

to select only the first row of a group of rows ordered by the values of 
a certain column, I would use DISTINCT ON. For your example table this 
would look like this:

select distinct on (plot_id) plot_id, area from intersects_result order 
by plot_id, area desc;

Hope that helps,


Am 03.05.2011 14:11, schrieb shreyes shiv:
> Dear all,
> I have loaded two shape files into postgis database.
> I am using the ST_Intersects(geom of shape file1, geom of shape file2) 
> command to see the features that interesects.
> Now there are redundant entries created in the table.
> I want to pick the unique tuple where the attribute "area" has the 
> maximum value.
> for ex. the following is a outcome of doing the intersects operation 
> on the two tables.
> plot_id              area
> --------------------------------
> S01BAT009      23
> S01BAT009      20
> S01BAT009      19
> S01BAA001      10
> S01BAA001      12
> S01BAA001      30
> I want to select
> plot_id               area
> -------------------------------
> S01BAT009        23
> S01BAA001       30
> from the above table.
> How do i write the query please help.
> thank you
> -- 
> shreyes shiv
> email: shivshreyes at gmail.com <mailto:shivshreyes at gmail.com>
> phone: 9557975780
> IIRS(Indian Institute of Remote Sensing)
> No. 4, Kalidas Road, Dehradun-248001, Uttarakhand, India
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