[postgis-users] Create View problem

Micha Silver micha at arava.co.il
Fri May 20 02:51:04 PDT 2011

On 05/19/2011 10:36 PM, Clay, Bruce wrote:
> This is probably a question for the QGis folks but I wanted to check 
> here first where ther is likely a larger audience.
> I create several spatial tables using PostGis and all are visible in 
> QGis on their own.
> When I create a view in PostGis that reaches into a variety of tables 
> I see the name of the view in QGis but the type is "Waiting" and I get 
> an error indicating that QGis can not load the data because it is 
> "unable to determine srid and column shape in <view name>" then it 
> shows an error <view name>(shape) sql is an invalid layer.

You probably need to create an entry in the geometry_columns table for 
this new view. Something like:

INSERT INTO geometry_columns  \
          VALUES (....);

or even better, use the PostGIS function addgeometrycolumn()

> The SQL is used to create the view follows:
> CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW mission_data.S1_objects AS
>     select M1.object_name, M2.center_lat, m2.center_lon, M2.scene_id, 
> M2.OID,
>     ST_Transform(M2.shape,4326) as shape  from 
> mission_data.mission_info M1
>     join mission_data.objects M2 ON  M1.object_name = M2.object_name
>    where M1.mission_name = 'E3 Scenario 1' and M1.list_title = 'Object 
> List';
> and I alos tried a simpler query
> CREATE VIEW mission_data.S1_test AS
>     SELECT OID, ST_Transform(shape,4326) As shape, object_name
>     FROM mission_data.objects;
> but they both gave the same errors
> I did search the QGis forum web site but did not find anything clues 
> or reported issues
> Bruce
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