[postgis-users] Infinite loop in st_intersects - because of incorrect data out of st_transform?
Paul Ramsey
pramsey at opengeo.org
Wed May 25 12:11:30 PDT 2011
We've decided to go with Inf testing, but I've move the test lower
down into the GEOS handling code so it applies to all GEOS operations,
not just Intersects().
See if that still works for you, hopefully it should (just tested with
your test geometry)
On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 7:18 AM, Magnus Hagander <magnus at hagander.net> wrote:
> Hi!
> Running the following query locks up postgis completely (in
> geos::algorithm::RobustDeterminant):
> SELECT st_intersects(somegeometry,
> '0103000020E61000000100000005000000737979F3DDCC2CC0F92154F9E7534540000000000000F07F000000000000F07F8F806E993F7E55C0304B29FFEA8554400634E8D1DD424540B5FEE6A37FCD4540737979F3DDCC2CC0F92154F9E7534540'::geometry)
> I believe this is because there are infinite values in that geometry:
> # select ST_AsText('0103000020E61000000100000005000000737979F3DDCC2CC0F92154F9E7534540000000000000F07F000000000000F07F8F806E993F7E55C0304B29FFEA8554400634E8D1DD424540B5FEE6A37FCD4540737979F3DDCC2CC0F92154F9E7534540'::geometry);
> st_astext
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> POLYGON((-14.4001308522972 42.6555167828373,inf inf,-85.9726317957995
> 82.0924680617579,42.5223944076352 43.6054577711015,-14.4001308522972
> 42.6555167828373))
> (1 row)
> ISTM that this should either be rejected as an invalid geometry, or at
> least not hang....
> Now, this geometry actually comes back as the result of st_transform,
> which suggests to me that there is *also* a bug in st_transform, which
> should never output an invalid geometry. It is the result of:
> st_transform('0103000020CD0B0000010000000500000099E6673CA2FC2DC1AD7BF5ED45CC534199E6673CA2FC2DC1D7BDFAF6D28960415A06E670D7E94B41D7BDFAF6D28960415A06E670D7E94B41AD7BF5ED45CC534199E6673CA2FC2DC1AD7BF5ED45CC5341',
> 4326)
> And that geometry is valid before it goes into st_transform, from what
> I can tell:
> # select st_astext('0103000020CD0B0000010000000500000099E6673CA2FC2DC1AD7BF5ED45CC534199E6673CA2FC2DC1D7BDFAF6D28960415A06E670D7E94B41D7BDFAF6D28960415A06E670D7E94B41AD7BF5ED45CC534199E6673CA2FC2DC1AD7BF5ED45CC5341'::geometry);
> st_astext
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------
> POLYGON((-982609.1179802 5189911.7181081,-982609.1179802
> 8670871.7181081,3658670.8820198 8670871.7181081,3658670.8820198
> 5189911.
> 7181081,-982609.1179802 5189911.7181081))
> (1 row)
> To me this looks like bugs "below" postgis - it's certainly below the
> PostgreSQL level that I know well :-) Not sure if it can be worked
> around/fixed at the postgis level or if it needs to be done in the
> lower level libraries, but either way it shouldn't behave this way :-)
> --
> Magnus Hagander
> Me: http://www.hagander.net/
> Work: http://www.redpill-linpro.com/
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