[postgis-users] Google Maps API with PostGIS

Adam Eskreis aeskreis at gmail.com
Mon May 30 12:19:53 PDT 2011

In addition, rather than using WFS, you could hit the database directly
using something like a PHP script.

On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 2:33 PM, Dave <dave.potts at pinan.co.uk> wrote:

>  On 30/05/2011 18:51, Ahmad Aburizaiza wrote:
> Perhaps you need to look at something like mapserver or geoserver
> Both of these application are used as part of a web server either tomcat or
> apache.  The will connect to postgis and provide access to your table as
> wms/wfs server.
> You can use something like openlayers to provide any pretty front end/
> drawing of shapes etc.
> D.
>  Hello all,
>  I am fairly new to PostGIS and I have to work on a project for my PhD. I
> hope you can help me. I want to build a web map where the user can select a
> building or more than one from a layer on top of Google Maps API and the
> code should create an automatic convex hull from the set of points generated
> from the selected polygon(s). I am not sure on what to use but I have
> general ideas and I do not know which is the best :
>    - Do I use Google Maps API and PostGIS without needing a WMS or WFS?
>    - Do I have to use with Google Maps API a WMS or a WFS?
> And if someone has beneficial samples I can use to build the website, I
> would really appreciate it.
>  Thank you in advance.
>  *
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ahmad Aburizaiza
>  PhD student at **George Mason University**
>  Geography and Geoinformation Science Department
>  Fairfax, VA, USA
>  Tel : +1-703-981-0354*
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