[postgis-users] Raster pixel value

Tom van Tilburg tom.van.tilburg at gmail.com
Thu Nov 24 06:42:11 PST 2011


Would it be possible to share code and/or sample data?
With me St_SummaryStats seems to work correct, even when I set all my 
raster values to 1.


On 24-11-2011 13:42, Andreas Forø Tollefsen wrote:
> I double checked the values that I get from this query and they do not 
> seem to be correct.
> For polygon cells that have only pixels with the value 1 inside only 
> have a mean of 0.85 (see image).
> The correct value should be a mean of 1. After some visual controls I 
> am not sure if these numbers are correct.
> There are many polygon cells with only pixel value 1, but no polygon 
> cell with a higher mean than .87.
> Any idea why this could be? Both the raster and polygons are in srid 4326.
> Andreas
> 2011/11/24 Andreas Forø Tollefsen <andreasft at gmail.com 
> <mailto:andreasft at gmail.com>>
>     I know. RTFM before asking dumb questions. Set the
>     ST_Summary(rast, false) so it does not exclude_nodata_value? Right?
>     Andreas
>     2011/11/24 Andreas Forø Tollefsen <andreasft at gmail.com
>     <mailto:andreasft at gmail.com>>
>         Great. I updated to latest rev and added the st_union.sql to
>         my function list. Now it works.
>         However, I need to ask one more question.
>         When running the script, it calculates the average pixel value
>         inside the polygon. It does not take into account the NULL
>         DATA values.
>         Is there any way i can make the script calculate the average
>         pixel value but count NULL DATA values as 0?
>         For instance, one pixel in a cell belonging to the Comoros
>         have a value (0.95). The rest is NULL. Hence, it seems a bit
>         wrong that the whole polygon get 0.95 when almost none of its
>         area have any elevation?
>         Any ideas?
>         Thank you so much for this info Tom!
>         Andreas
>         2011/11/24 Tom van Tilburg <tom.van.tilburg at gmail.com
>         <mailto:tom.van.tilburg at gmail.com>>
>             Yes, I think so.
>             Current windows build is *r8221
>             *
>             Also, I think ST_Union(raster) (which I used in the
>             example) is not included in this version yet.
>             You would have to download a prototype from.
>             http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/browser/trunk/raster/scripts/plpgsql/st_union.sql
>             Chrs,
>              Tom
>             On 24-11-2011 12:07, Andreas Forø Tollefsen wrote:
>>             Great, Thank you so much for this.
>>             However, I do not seem to have the
>>             ST_MapAlgebraExpr(rast, rast.....) function. Was this
>>             implemented in rev 8001?
>>             Andreas
>>             2011/11/24 Tom van Tilburg <tom.van.tilburg at gmail.com
>>             <mailto:tom.van.tilburg at gmail.com>>
>>                 Andreas,
>>                 We did approx. the same thing for non-quadrate
>>                 polygons. Perhaps it might be useful:
>>                 Step 1: Make a raster from every polygon, based on
>>                 the grid specifications of the elevation raster. Here
>>                 is also the solution: the raster cells will only be
>>                 created for cells that have their midpoint *inside*
>>                 your geometry.
>>                     ST_AsRaster(a.geom, b.rast, '<pixtype>')
>>                 Step 2: Overlay the elevation raster with the raster
>>                 you just created and keep only the values of the
>>                 elevation raster
>>                 ST_MapAlgebraExpr(
>>                 <raster from geometry>
>>                             ,b.rast
>>                             ,'rast2' -- <-- keep only raster 2 value
>>                             , '<pixtype>','INTERSECTION','0','0',0
>>                         )
>>                 Step 3: get the mean from the statistics on the
>>                 resulting raster
>>                 (ST_SummaryStats(
>>                     (ST_Union( -- < --- we did a UNION because we
>>                 occasionaly had vectors crossing tiled rasters
>>                 <overlay raster>
>>                     )).rast
>>                 )).mean As avg_height
>>                 That did the trick. Complete script is below.
>>                 I suspect your method of doing a ST_Intersection for
>>                 every pix. makes it slower because it creates a
>>                 geometry first that you do not really need.
>>                 Cheers,
>>                  Tom
>>                 ----------
>>                 FULL SCRIPT
>>                 SELECT
>>                 a.gid As id,
>>                 (ST_SummaryStats(
>>                     (ST_Union(
>>                         ST_MapAlgebraExpr(
>>                             ST_AsRaster(a.geom, b.rast, '32BF')
>>                             ,b.rast
>>                             ,'rast2', '32BF','INTERSECTION','0','0',0
>>                         )
>>                     )).rast
>>                 )).mean As avg_height
>>                 FROM
>>                 polygons.grid a LEFT JOIN
>>                 rasters.elev b
>>                     ON ST_Intersects(a.geom, b.rast)
>>                 GROUP BY a.gid
>>                 On 24-11-2011 11:14, Andreas Forø Tollefsen wrote:
>>>                 Hi,
>>>                 I am trying to calculate the average pixel value in
>>>                 a elevation raster inside quadrate polygons.
>>>                 However, I am not getting the correct values from my
>>>                 query:
>>>                 SELECT gid, AVG(((foo.geomval).val)) as avgmnt
>>>                 FROM (SELECT p.gid, ST_Intersection(p.cell, r.rast)
>>>                 AS geomval FROM mountain r, priogrid_land p WHERE
>>>                 ST_Intersects(p.cell, r.rast, ) AND p.gid =186124)
>>>                 AS foo
>>>                 GROUP BY gid ORDER BY gid;
>>>                 The problem here is that the ST_Intersects(geom,
>>>                 rast) takes into consideration the pixels that is
>>>                 outside, but touches the border of the quadrate
>>>                 polygons. Then, the average values for each quadrate
>>>                 polygon is affected by pixels inside other polygons.
>>>                 This will potentially lead to a flawed result.
>>>                 So what I want is to be able to calculate the
>>>                 average value for the pixels INSIDE the polygon
>>>                 excluding those outside.
>>>                 How can i restrict the AVG pixel value to be
>>>                 calculated only for pixels that is inside the
>>>                 polygon, and not the pixels that touch the outside
>>>                 of the border?
>>>                 Thanks!
>>>                 Best,
>>>                 Andreas
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