[postgis-users] storing AIXM in PostGIS?

Sveen Atle Frenvik (Geomatikk IKT) Atle.Frenvik.Sveen at geomatikk.no
Mon Oct 10 04:29:02 PDT 2011

In general this seems like an easy task: all the PostGIS geometry types 
supports X,Y,Z and M coordinates, and you are free to model your 
database as you like.

On the other hand: i do not know the AIXM-format at all, and there is a 
chance someone has done some work on a PostGIS storage of this, which 
would save you a lot of work I gues..


On 2011-10-10 13:03, Ákos Maróy wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder if anyone has worked on storing AIXM data in a PostGIS
> database? AIXM is an extention of GML, used ofr aeronautical
> information, see more here: http://www.aixm.aero/
> Or, more naively, in general, how would one represent data which is an
> extension of GML, in PostGIS? The extensions include metadata and
> specific relation between data, which can be modeled in a database quite
> easily. But it also includes special spacial data considerations, such
> extending to the gml:Point data type with elevation data (in addition to
> latitude and longitude), or a similar elevation extension to shapes as well.
> Any pointers would be welcome,
> Akos
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Atle Frenvik Sveen
Geomatikk IKT AS
tlf: 45 27 86 89
atle.frenvik.sveen at geomatikk.no

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