[postgis-users] Questions about the right uploading of raster data

Pierre Racine Pierre.Racine at sbf.ulaval.ca
Mon Oct 17 07:08:33 PDT 2011

> What i get in my database is a new table with the name of my image with no
> data inside (only "1" in rid serial) and a row at the raster_columns with all data
> of the uploaded image except the nodata_values. 

You should have one "rid" column and one "rast" column. And since you loaded using the -k option you should have many rows in the "katrina" table.

If this is not what you get I would suggest to replace the raster2pgsql.py  -o option with a pipe like this:

raster2pgsql.py -r /path/to/katrina.tif -t katrina -l 1 -k 64x64 -s 4326 -I -M > Katrina.sql

to see more error message.

> I tried to import them with -n but it doesn't work with raster2pgsql.py. I connect to my database with QGIS
> 1.7.1 through WTKRaster plugin and what i get is no geometry and no data at all
> in the raster table (as expected) and the raster_columns appears as a polygon
> with the right coordinates but with no texture inside (only one color polygon).

Before trying to display in QGIS make sure the raster was loaded properly...


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