[postgis-users] Inserting New SRID into spatial_ref_sys Table

elliott elliott at cpi.com
Mon Oct 24 10:11:29 PDT 2011

I have inserted a new SRID (4978) into the spatial_ref_sys table.  
However, when I run the following query, it gives an out of range 
error.  What I want to do is get the altitude in ECEF coordinates, but 
perhaps my query is not correct.

select ST_Value(rast, ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(126.5,37.5), 
4326), 4978)) from srtm3 where filename='N37E126.hgt';

ERROR:  value "-3616486790" is out of range for type integer
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "st_world2rastercoordx" while casting return 
value to function's return type
         PL/pgSQL function "st_value" line 13 at RETURN

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