[postgis-users] what about 3d-srids

Felix Kunde felix-kunde at gmx.de
Sun Apr 1 14:05:38 PDT 2012

Hey there

i was wondering how 3D referencing systems will be handled in the future in PostGIS? When 3D-Datatypes, -Indexes, -Functions are introduced to the PostGIS-World why are no 3D-srids delivered in the spatial_ref_sys by default? 

I know that there are insert-stmts out there (spatialreference.org), but it seems to me, as there hasn't been much of a discussion around it yet, nobody knows what to do with it. I myself don't know much about 3d-crs. I could imagine they are more precise etc.

The reason I'm asking is because I have recently ported a CityGML-Database with Import/Export-tool from Oracle to PostGIS (in the context of my Master Thesis), and on the oracle-side, the use of 3D-datatypes and 3D-indexes is restricted to 3d-srids. A bit of a pain but it also makes sense to me. So back to my first question: What is the PostGIS-team (or other users) thinking about the implementation and usage of 3D-crs?



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