[postgis-users] [!! SPAM] Trouble seeinglisting tables

Francisco Salas Rosette fsalas at pinar.geocuba.cu
Mon Feb 13 13:44:06 PST 2012

Bob, do you review if there exists mytable in the geometry_columns table?

How do you loaded this table?


Francisco salas 



De: postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net
[mailto:postgis-users-bounces at postgis.refractions.net] En nombre de
Bistrais, Bob
Enviado el: lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012 03:58 p.m.
Para: PostGIS Users Discussion
Asunto: [!! SPAM] [postgis-users] Trouble seeinglisting tables


I am having trouble on a pretty basic level.  I loaded a couple shapefiles
into PostGIS.  I can see that they successfully loaded when I use pgAdmin.
But when I go to command line, I have trouble.  I can do a \d command and
see the tables exist in the database.  But if I do a select * from mytable;
I get an errer, "relation "mytable" does not exist.  What am I doing wrong

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