[postgis-users] Spatial join not finishing
Jorge Gil
j.a.lopesgil at tudelft.nl
Wed Feb 29 15:34:25 PST 2012
Dear Paul,
Thanks for the tip, as you can see I'm a newbie...
I've run Explain on the query and the result is this:
UPDATE source.bag_new_buildings as aa SET units=bb.count FROM (SELECT
cc.gid , count(*)
from source.bag_new_buildings as cc, source.bag_new_landuse as dd
where ST_Within(dd.the_geom, cc.the_geom) group by cc.gid) as bb WHERE
"Update on source.bag_new_buildings aa (cost=0.00..9265800547.24
rows=211379 width=949)"
" -> Merge Join (cost=0.00..9265800547.24 rows=211379 width=949)"
" Output: aa.gid, aa.pandstatus, aa.bouwjaar, aa.energielab,
aa.the_geom, aa.area, aa.gf_function, bb.count, aa.ctid, bb.*"
" Merge Cond: (bb.gid = aa.gid)"
" -> Subquery Scan on bb (cost=0.00..9265772098.07 rows=211379
" Output: bb.count, bb.*, bb.gid"
" -> GroupAggregate (cost=0.00..9265769984.28 rows=211379
" Output: cc.gid, count(*)"
" -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..9265766615.81
rows=250936 width=4)"
" Output: cc.gid"
" Join Filter: ((dd.the_geom && cc.the_geom)
AND _st_within(dd.the_geom, cc.the_geom))"
" -> Index Scan using bag_new_buildings_pkey
on source.bag_new_buildings cc (cost=0.00..24750.04 rows=211379 width=714)"
" Output: cc.gid, cc.pandstatus,
cc.bouwjaar, cc.energielab, cc.the_geom, cc.area, cc.gf_function, cc.units"
" -> Materialize (cost=0.00..5114.21
rows=165414 width=100)"
" Output: dd.the_geom"
" -> Seq Scan on source.bag_new_landuse
dd (cost=0.00..4287.14 rows=165414 width=100)"
" Output: dd.the_geom"
" -> Index Scan using bag_new_buildings_pkey on
source.bag_new_buildings aa (cost=0.00..24750.04 rows=211379 width=905)"
" Output: aa.gid, aa.pandstatus, aa.bouwjaar,
aa.energielab, aa.the_geom, aa.area, aa.gf_function, aa.ctid"
Just the sub query within the update gives this result:
SELECT cc.gid , count(*) from source.bag_new_buildings as cc,
source.bag_new_landuse as dd
where ST_Within(dd.the_geom, cc.the_geom) group by cc.gid
"GroupAggregate (cost=0.00..9265769984.28 rows=211379 width=4)"
" Output: cc.gid, count(*)"
" -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..9265766615.81 rows=250936 width=4)"
" Output: cc.gid"
" Join Filter: ((dd.the_geom && cc.the_geom) AND
_st_within(dd.the_geom, cc.the_geom))"
" -> Index Scan using bag_new_buildings_pkey on
source.bag_new_buildings cc (cost=0.00..24750.04 rows=211379 width=714)"
" Output: cc.gid, cc.pandstatus, cc.bouwjaar,
cc.energielab, cc.the_geom, cc.area, cc.gf_function, cc.units"
" -> Materialize (cost=0.00..5114.21 rows=165414 width=100)"
" Output: dd.the_geom"
" -> Seq Scan on source.bag_new_landuse dd
(cost=0.00..4287.14 rows=165414 width=100)"
" Output: dd.the_geom"
Is this helpful? It looks like these operations are meant to take really
Thank you,
On 29/02/2012 23:15, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> Without a query plan (explain ... ) there's not much people can do but
> scratch their chins sagely.
> P.
> On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 3:11 PM, Jorge Gil<j.a.lopesgil at tudelft.nl> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I've been trying to do a spatial join for a couple of days in different ways
>> and it never seems to finish. I've done something identical before in a much
>> larger set of the same data and it worked after a few hours.
>> I have a polygons (buildings) table with 150,000 records and a points (land
>> use) table with 170,000 records. I want to calculate how many points are
>> within each building and add that total to the column 'units' in the
>> buildings table. The query I run is this:
>> UPDATE buildings as aa SET units=bb.count FROM (SELECT cc.gid , count(*)
>> from buildings as cc, landuse as dd
>> where ST_Within(dd.the_geom, cc.the_geom) group by cc.gid) as bb WHERE
>> aa.gid=bb.gid;
>> I also try to create a separate table with the results of the join before
>> doing the update, but the first step also fails.
>> Am I doing something wrong? Is there a simple trick that makes this more
>> efficient?
>> Thank you,
>> Jorge
>> --
>> Jorge Gil
>> PhD Candidate
>> TU Delft / Faculty of Architecture
>> Department of Urbanism
>> Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy
>> Julianalaan 134
>> 2628 BL Delft
>> P.O. Box 5043
>> 2600 GA Delft
>> The Netherlands
>> www.tudelft.nl
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Jorge Gil
PhD Candidate
TU Delft / Faculty of Architecture
Department of Urbanism
Chair of Spatial Planning and Strategy
Julianalaan 134
2628 BL Delft
P.O. Box 5043
2600 GA Delft
The Netherlands
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