[postgis-users] Custom Projection

Sean Christopher Conway seanc at backroadmapbooks.com
Fri Jan 6 09:42:09 PST 2012

Hello, thank you for your reply. Yes, essentially I have done this exact 
SQL, but when I export it using quantum gis or FME, i get the following 
projection parameters

Geographic Coordinate System:    GCS_WGS_1984
Datum:     D_WGS_1984
Prime Meridian:     Greenwich
Angular Unit:     Degree

whereas, I would like these parameters:

Geographic Coordinate System:    Geographic Coordinate System
Datum:     WGS84
Prime Meridian:     Greenwich
Angular Unit:     degree

We need it to be like this and are using the following projection to 
create it:

GEOGCS["Geographic Coordinate 

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