[postgis-users] Nearest Neighbour Index calculation
Matthias Ludwig
kaotika at gmx.de
Wed Jan 18 07:21:26 PST 2012
I want to calculate the Nearest Neighbour Index for statistical interpretation of point data. It simply sums the distances to the first neighbours and devides it through the count.
create or replace function
returns double precision as $$
result double precision := 0;
id integer;
count integer;
count := (SELECT count(*) FROM t_harrispoints_reduced);
for id in (SELECT gid FROM t_harrispoints_reduced) loop
result := result + (
SELECT ST_Distance(start.the_geom, ende.the_geom) as distance
FROM t_harrispoints_reduced AS start,
t_harrispoints_reduced AS ende
WHERE start.gid = id AND
start.gid <> ende.gid
ORDER BY ende.the_geom <-> start.the_geom
end loop;
result := result / count;
return result;
$$ language 'plpgsql' stable;
It does the job...but not really fast. For 8000 points it take about 90 seconds. QGIS those the same work in 2-3 seconds. Is it possible to speed this up? Is it possible to prevent the loop?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Matthias Ludwig
B.Eng. Geoinformation
Tel.: 0177/4913288
ICQ: 163168410
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