[postgis-users] Capture topologic Postgis data via Qgis?

celati laurent lcelati at latitude-geosystems.com
Wed Jun 20 10:19:24 PDT 2012

Dear Sandro,

*Thank you for your last reply. Ok, Henceforth I will copy & paste the 
queries and error messages inline as text instead of sending sceenshots. 
I will test Creation of topologic layers from simple geometries later...

*I have a request more urgent : Regarding our big project in Cameroon, 
keyborders will capture vector data directly in a postgis db from raster 
via Qgis. We want capture topologic data directly in db using Qgis 
tools. During the capture, for each object created, we want creation of 
a OID and centroid value (for faces).

I understood that "Postgis Topology" creates a new schema storing 
topologic objects (node/face/edges). Is it possible to capture and save 
topologic data from qgis directly into these topologic tables ?

If it is not the case, could you throw light for me on a new way?

Thank you very much.


Laurent Celati.

Le 20/06/2012 13:49, Sandro Santilli a écrit :
> It looks like you need to quote "Land_cover" in the INSERT statement.
> PS: please copy&  paste the queries and error messages inline as text,
>      it's easier to read than screenshots.
> --strk;
>   Sent from our free software
>   http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html
> On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 11:17:04AM +0200, lcelati at latitude-geosystems.com wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Regarding a big project in Cameroon, i'm testing topology in Postgis. I
>> have created a db called "Test_Cameroun". I have already import simple
>> geometries into two tables called "land cover" (MULTYPOLYGONN) and
>> "network"(MULTILINES).
>> These two tables are localised into public schema.
>> I want to create topologic layers from these simple geometries. I have
>> created a new topology schema (create topology) called "topology_test"
>> successfully.
>> Then, I read the example written on toTopoGeom postgis page:
>> http://postgis.refractions.net/documentation/manual-2.0/toTopoGeom.html
>> That's why i have created a new table called for instance "nei_topo"
>> always in public schema :
>> CREATE TABLE nei_topo(gid serial primary key, nei varchar(30));
>> Then,
>> I added to it a topogeometry column
>> SELECT topology.AddTopoGeometryColumn('topology_test', 'public',
>> 'nei_topo', 'topo', 'MULTIPOLYGON') As new_layer_id;
>> Then,I want to populating the new topogeometry column via use new layer id.
>> INSERT INTO nei_topo(nei, topo)
>> SELECT nei,  topology.toTopoGeom(geom, 'topo_cameroun', 1)
>> FROM Land_cover
>> WHERE gid BETWEEN 1 and 8;
>> But i have a error message.
>> I send you by attachment all screen shots.
>> Could you throw light for me ASAP please.
>> Kind regards.
>> Laurent Celati.
>> -- 
>> Laurent Celati - Geospatial applications specialist - LATITUDE GEOSYSTEMS
>> 47, avenue de la Division Leclerc - 95170 Deuil-la-Barre, FRANCE
>> Tel : + 33 (0)1 34 17 23 84 - Fax : + 33 (0) 1 39 64 04 86
>> mob : + 33 (0)6 xx xx xx xx
>> skype lcelati
>> E-mail : lcelati at latitude-geosystems.com
>> http://www.latitude-geosystems.com
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Laurent Celati – Geospatial applications specialist - LATITUDE GEOSYSTEMS
47, avenue de la Division Leclerc - 95170 Deuil-la-Barre, FRANCE
Tel : + 33 (0)1 34 17 23 84 - Fax : + 33 (0) 1 39 64 04 86
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skype lcelati
E-mail : lcelati at latitude-geosystems.com

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