[postgis-users] 2D linestring or multilinestring

Ed Linde edolinde at gmail.com
Thu Jun 21 01:43:50 PDT 2012

Hi All,
I am building a linestring comprising of nearly 1000 points, now I want to
pick every 10th point and reduce this to a linestring of 100 points!
I will use ST_linesimplify for this, but now I am wondering if there is a
measure that shows me the "difference" between the two linestrings.
Some measure like the "sum of squared errors"... I want to know what I lose
in accuracy by discarding all these points and simplifying my
line segment. So if my line strings have (x,y) points in them, I would like
to know the differences in "y" basically.
Any ideas for a different kind of measure would be great too. I was
initially thinking of measuring the distance between each point in the
original linestring (1000 points) against the new simplified linestring and
adding their squares... would that work? Just wondering if
there is a nicer, easier way to do this in Postgis?

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