[postgis-users] ST_Buffer + grid problem

Pierre Racine Pierre.Racine at sbf.ulaval.ca
Thu Mar 22 13:39:49 PDT 2012

> Thanks. The raster I need to visualise is a 4m by 4m grid on the entire map of
> Denmark! :) So do you classify that as a large raster? If so is there a way to see a
> portion of it or something?
> I just want to manually check for a few areas on the map that the intersection
> indeed works as expected and things haven't gone awry thanks to projection
> differences or that I had degrees instead of meters or some such thing. Well, I
> still have to first test if this GDAL upgrade will fix things and if make empty raster
> .. makes a difference.

That must be big but Danemark is a small country ;-) Only width and height tell you if a raster is big.

In the database, your grid is a set of rectangular geometry (how many?) or just a big raster now (width & height)?

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