[postgis-users] create extension and pg_dump weird behaviour

Jose Carlos Martinez Llario jomarlla at cgf.upv.es
Sat May 5 09:14:32 PDT 2012

Hi list,
Im getting different behaviorr with pg_dump according the way I created 
the postgis database:

1) with create extension postgis

--that one is exporting the spatial_ref_sys which is in public!.
pg_dump -U postgres -Fp -n ej1 s13 > /tmp/s13.sql

--that one is NOT exporting any of the postgis functions which are in 
public schema
pg_dump -U postgres -Fp -n public s13 > /tmp/s13.sql

2) running postgis.sql and spatial_ref_sys sql files.

both sentences are working as expected.

What is going on?


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