[postgis-users] JDBC cast error between PGobject and PGgeometry

Felix Kunde felix-kunde at gmx.de
Thu May 10 00:19:34 PDT 2012

Hi to all the PostGIS-JDBC-Users

Yesterday i've encountered a problem in my application,
where there was no problem before. Usually I put my geometries
from the DB to Java with those lines:

PGgeometry pgGeom = (PGgeometry)rs.getObject("aka. Column that holds Geometry");
Geometry geom = pgGeom.getGeometry();

I don't know if it's the best way to do it, but it worked.
Now I've got a CastException saying that I can't cast a
postgresql.util.PGobject to org.postgis.PGgeometry.
Doesn't work with the org.postgis.Geometry-Class either.

Makes kinda sense to me, but why did it work before?
I've reinstalled PostgreSQL and PostGIS recently
(now: Windows 64bit both, before: 32bit both and the PostGIS2.0alpha).
Maybe thats one of the reasons?

Thx for any help!

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