[postgis-users] break lines at intersections

Nicolas Ribot nicolas.ribot at gmail.com
Thu May 17 08:32:04 PDT 2012

Yes, it should be:
st_dwithin will help you to find all lines from a table within a certain
distance to other lines.


On 17 May 2012 17:23, Pedro Costa <pedrocostaarma at sapo.pt> wrote:

>  Great Nicolos, works...
> It is possible select lines from one table a less than 3 meters from lines
> from another table?and delete them...
> thanks
> Em 17-05-2012 15:41, Nicolas Ribot escreveu:
> Hi Pedro,
>  select (st_dump(st_union(geom))).geom from lines;
>  will cut your network of lines at intersections.
>  Nicolas
> On 17 May 2012 11:57, Pedro Costa <pedrocostaarma at sapo.pt> wrote:
>> does anyone know how I can cut the lines at intersectionslike the image
>> attached?
>> I can´t install postgis 2.0 for now....
>> I see a few examples with st_union and st_dump but i don't understand...
>> Thanks
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