[postgis-users] loading mostly identical states-based shapefiles

Nicolas Ribot nicolas.ribot at gmail.com
Sat May 26 06:56:58 PDT 2012

Hi Puneet,

Concerning the first point, you will be able to control the column you
want to load with the GDAL/OGR suite (gdal.org).
ogr2ogr allows changing the structure of datasets during conversion.

The -S switch is very handy when you are sure the input shapefile
contains only simple objects (points, linestrings, polygons) and you
don't want your geom column to be a MULTI type:
The shapefile format specifications allow to store both simple and
multi objects in the same shapefile. Shp2pgsql generates multi objects
layers by default, as it does not scan the shapefile to see if
multiobjects exist, prior to loading it.


On 26 May 2012 04:29, Mr. Puneet Kishor <punk.kish at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have US states shape files that are mostly identical, except for those silly legacy columns that have the state code prefix. Is there a way I can import these shapefiles via `shp2pgsql` specifying to *not* load a particular column? As is, the loader croaks because the '-c' switch creates the table on the first state load creating a column starting with that state's code, and then the second state can't find that column.
> An additional question -- the '-S' switch promises to "Generate simple geometries instead of MULTI geometries." Why would I want to do that? Please educate me.
> --
> Puneet Kishor
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