[postgis-users] Problem with 3D polygon intersection test

Ed Linde edolinde at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 02:56:36 PDT 2012

Ok, for a polygon, is there a good postgis function that can return the
edges to me in the
right sequence? Or at least the points that constitute the polygon in the
right order, so I can
generate the edges in a script?


On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 10:46 AM, Ed Linde <edolinde at gmail.com> wrote:

> Ah drat! Ok then I have to basically do edge intersection tests by myself.
> Ah well. bad news! :(
> On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Nicolas Ribot <nicolas.ribot at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> st_intersection is only suitable for 2D operations. Third dimension is
>> not taken into account.
>> Nicolas
>> On 30 October 2012 09:44, Ed Linde <edolinde at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Is there a simpler test I can do? I am quite sure that I am probably not
>>> using the right
>>> function in my SQL, or not doing the intersection test correctly. Is
>>> there any simpler
>>> way to test this 3D intersection? Am waiting on the postgis gurus to
>>> come along and
>>> give me some ideas, coz I am at my wits ends on this one! :) The
>>> polygons look good
>>> to me when I visualize them, but don't get how all triangles are found
>>> as intersecting?
>>> Anyway will wait.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ed
>>> On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 9:00 AM, Ed Linde <edolinde at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I am having some troubles getting the *ST_Intersect* function to work
>>>> with 3D polygons.
>>>> I have a table to hold triangles as polygons in *"small_tris"*
>>>> Another table for holding the polygonal faces of a 3D voronoi diagram
>>>> in *"vfaces"*
>>>> So now I am trying to do an intersection between the triangles and the
>>>> voronoi faces
>>>> to get the triangles that intersect with the faces. And it seems that
>>>> *ALL* triangles
>>>> are intersecting. I have attached a PDF where I have plotted the
>>>> triangles and the
>>>> voronoi cells. so the box around in red and blue with a major face
>>>> going through is
>>>> the voronoi diagram. The Voronoi partition in 3D is shown at the bottom
>>>> too for clarity
>>>> Can someone please help and let me know what am I doing wrong here?
>>>> Is the select assuming something? So the polygons are flat and the
>>>> intersections
>>>> should just be lines or points. I am under some pressure to get this to
>>>> work, so if
>>>> anyone needs more information to help, the please let me know! :)
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ed
>>>> bounds=# \d vfaces;
>>>>       Table "public.vfaces"
>>>>   Column  |   Type   | Modifiers
>>>> ----------+----------+-----------
>>>>  gen_id   | integer  |
>>>>  geomtext | geometry |
>>>> bounds=# \d small_tris;
>>>>     Table "public.small_tris"
>>>>   Column  |   Type   | Modifiers
>>>> ----------+----------+-----------
>>>>  id       | integer  | not null
>>>>  v0       | integer  |
>>>>  v1       | integer  |
>>>>  v2       | integer  |
>>>>  geomtext | geometry |
>>>> Indexes:
>>>>     "small_tris_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
>>>>     "small_idx" gist (geomtext)
>>>> *
>>>> bounds=# select id, st_astext( geomtext ) from small_tris;
>>>>  id |                       st_astext
>>>> ----+-------------------------------------------------------
>>>>   0 | POLYGON Z ((10 10 805,20 10 809,10 20 814,10 10 805))
>>>>   1 | POLYGON Z ((10 20 814,20 10 809,20 20 819,10 20 814))
>>>>   2 | POLYGON Z ((20 20 819,30 10 809,30 20 812,20 20 819))
>>>>   3 | POLYGON Z ((30 10 809,20 20 819,20 10 809,30 10 809))
>>>>   4 | POLYGON Z ((30 20 812,30 10 809,40 10 826,30 20 812))
>>>>   5 | POLYGON Z ((20 20 819,30 20 812,20 30 827,20 20 819))
>>>>   6 | POLYGON Z ((10 20 814,20 20 819,20 30 827,10 20 814))
>>>>   7 | POLYGON Z ((10 40 805,10 30 814,20 30 827,10 40 805))
>>>>   8 | POLYGON Z ((10 50 804,10 40 805,20 40 807,10 50 804))
>>>>   9 | POLYGON Z ((20 30 827,20 40 807,10 40 805,20 30 827))
>>>>  10 | POLYGON Z ((30 30 817,20 40 807,20 30 827,30 30 817))
>>>>  11 | POLYGON Z ((30 40 816,20 50 809,20 40 807,30 40 816))
>>>>  12 | POLYGON Z ((20 40 807,20 50 809,10 50 804,20 40 807))
>>>>  13 | POLYGON Z ((10 30 814,10 20 814,20 30 827,10 30 814))
>>>>  14 | POLYGON Z ((30 30 817,20 30 827,30 20 812,30 30 817))
>>>>  15 | POLYGON Z ((30 20 812,40 20 823,30 30 817,30 20 812))
>>>>  16 | POLYGON Z ((40 20 823,30 20 812,40 10 826,40 20 823))
>>>>  17 | POLYGON Z ((40 20 823,40 10 826,50 10 803,40 20 823))
>>>>  18 | POLYGON Z ((30 30 817,40 20 823,40 30 814,30 30 817))
>>>>  19 | POLYGON Z ((40 20 823,50 20 808,40 30 814,40 20 823))
>>>>  20 | POLYGON Z ((50 20 808,40 20 823,50 10 803,50 20 808))
>>>>  21 | POLYGON Z ((40 30 814,50 20 808,50 30 816,40 30 814))
>>>>  22 | POLYGON Z ((30 30 817,40 30 814,40 40 800,30 30 817))
>>>>  23 | POLYGON Z ((30 40 816,40 40 800,30 50 813,30 40 816))
>>>>  24 | POLYGON Z ((30 40 816,30 30 817,40 40 800,30 40 816))
>>>>  25 | POLYGON Z ((30 50 813,40 40 800,40 50 817,30 50 813))
>>>>  26 | POLYGON Z ((30 40 816,30 50 813,20 50 809,30 40 816))
>>>>  27 | POLYGON Z ((50 40 821,40 50 817,40 40 800,50 40 821))
>>>>  28 | POLYGON Z ((50 50 809,40 50 817,50 40 821,50 50 809))
>>>>  29 | POLYGON Z ((50 40 821,40 40 800,50 30 816,50 40 821))
>>>>  30 | POLYGON Z ((40 30 814,50 30 816,40 40 800,40 30 814))
>>>>  31 | POLYGON Z ((30 30 817,30 40 816,20 40 807,30 30 817))
>>>> (32 rows)
>>>>  select st_astext(geomtext) from vfaces;
>>>> st_astext
>>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>  POLYGON Z ((51 17.8 799,9 38.8 799,9 51 819.33333333333,19.4 51 828,51
>>>> 35.2 828,51 17.8 799))
>>>>  POLYGON Z ((51 17.8 799,9 38.8 799,9 51 799,51 51 799,51 17.8 799))
>>>>  POLYGON Z ((51 35.2 828,19.4 51 828,51 51 828,51 35.2 828))
>>>>  POLYGON Z ((9 9 799,9 38.8 799,51 17.8 799,51 9 799,9 9 799))
>>>>  POLYGON Z ((51 17.8 799,9 38.8 799,9 51 819.33333333333,19.4 51 828,51
>>>> 35.2 828,51 17.8 799))
>>>>  POLYGON Z ((9 9 828,9 51 828,19.4 51 828,51 35.2 828,51 9 828,9 9 828))
>>>> (6 rows)
>>>> *select distinct a.id
>>>> from small_tris a, vfaces b
>>>> where st_intersects (a.geomtext, b.geomtext)
>>>> order by a.id;*
>>>>  id
>>>> ----
>>>>   0
>>>>   1
>>>>   2
>>>>   3
>>>>   4
>>>>   5
>>>>   6
>>>>   7
>>>>   8
>>>>   9
>>>>  10
>>>>  11
>>>>  12
>>>>  13
>>>>  14
>>>>  15
>>>>  16
>>>>  17
>>>>  18
>>>>  19
>>>>  20
>>>>  21
>>>>  22
>>>>  23
>>>>  24
>>>>  25
>>>>  26
>>>>  27
>>>>  28
>>>>  29
>>>>  30
>>>>  31
>>>> (32 rows)
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