[postgis-users] PostGIS 2.0 Raster Mosaic...
Markus Innerebner
markus.innerebner at inf.unibz.it
Tue Sep 11 09:57:30 PDT 2012
I am doing the same thing with success:
use my script:
cheers Markus
param 1: name the directory in which the files are located
param2: name of the table in which the files are loaded
more raster2pgHydroalp.sh
# this script imports raster ascii file into postgis
cd $1;
for i in $(\ls *.asc);
echo $i
if $isFirst
raster2pgsql -d -s 32632 -C -F $i $2 | sudo su - postgres -c 'psql -d hydroalp';
raster2pgsql -a -s 32632 -M -F $i $2 | sudo su - postgres -c 'psql -d hydroalp'
cd ..
Ph D. Student Markus Innerebner
DIS Research Group - Faculty of Computer Science
Free University Bozen-Bolzano
Dominikanerplatz 3 - Room 211
I - 39100 Bozen
Phone: +39-0471-016143
Mobile: +39-333-9392929
gpg --fingerprint
pub 1024D/588F6308 2007-01-09
Key fingerprint = 6948 947E CBD2 89FD E773 E863 914F EB1B 588F 6308
sub 2048g/BF4877D0 2007-01-09
On Sep 11, 2012, at 6:43 PM, Brian Fitzgerald wrote:
> 979903mosaic.sql
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