[postgis-users] PostgreSQL + PostGIS 2.1.0 Tiger Geocoding not working

René Fournier m5 at renefournier.com
Sun Aug 25 22:40:55 PDT 2013

So… I've done a clean/fresh install of PostgreSQL 9.2 and PostGIS 2.1.0 via MacPorts (thanks Vincent). Installed the requisite extensions:

CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;
CREATE EXTENSION postgis_tiger_geocoder;

Tested the basics:

gc5=# SELECT na.address, na.streetname,na.streettypeabbrev, na.zip
gc5-# FROM normalize_address('1 Devonshire Place, Boston, MA 02109') AS na;
 address | streetname | streettypeabbrev |  zip  
       1 | Devonshire | Pl               | 02109
(1 row)

Then, to get the data (Tiger 2012), generated the loader script and ran it:

gc5=# SELECT loader_generate_script(ARRAY['MA','RI'], 'sh') AS result;

Bash script downloaded and added Massachusetts and Rhode Island without complaint, also ran:

SELECT install_missing_indexes();

But when I try to geocode or reverse geocode, I get nothing:

gc5=# SELECT g.rating, ST_X(g.geomout) As lon, ST_Y(g.geomout) As lat, 
        (addy).address As stno, (addy).streetname As street, 
        (addy).streettypeabbrev As styp, (addy).location As city, (addy).stateabbrev As st,(addy).zip 
        FROM geocode('75 State Street, Boston MA 02109') As g;
 rating | lon | lat | stno | street | styp | city | st | zip 

There's clearly a lot of data in my geocoder DB:

 gc5         | postgres | UTF8     | en_CA.UTF-8 | en_CA.UTF-8 |                       | 1194 MB | pg_default | 

But I can't get anything from it… My previous 1.5.x PostGIS tiger geocoder was working fine… I must be missing something obvious. Can anyone point it out for me?

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